Final report, billed cost overview and settlement, fleet management dashboard and much, much more.
Fleet dashboard
The fleet asset management dashboard is finally here! On the dashboard, you see all upcoming projects in a Gantt chart, including their budgets. The stats cards show the breakdown of number of projects and spendings going forward.
The dashboard also includes a map showing your fleet's position. This will give you a complete overview of your fleet's maintenance status, with the colour codes on the vessels illustrating the statuses of the various projects.
Cost control - avoid cost overruns
In the cost control module, you will be able to immediately identify deviations between the project cost and the billed cost, and together with data gathered during the dry-docking process you will have the documentation and proof needed to avoid any surprises in the final settlement.
Complete a solid, final report at departure
The final report module is finally here! With this very powerful editor, you have all the necessary data from the project available at your fingertips. All images, updates, variation orders, tables and more can be dragged right into the final report area. And with text templates, you don't have to write page after page, just reuse a final report template and have the project specific information updated through the editor.
Company-specific SFI structure
You can now implement your company's specific SFI structure to your Maindeck account. This will allow you to search and lookup the correct SFI number based on the actual work order, making sure that you always have the right codes connected to them. By having the correct SFI codes applied at all time, you ensure that the integrations between Maindeck and your other software work seamlessly and as intended.